Jimmy Takter - I never moving home
One might think that it is Southfork in the television series Dallas.
In fact, it is Jimmy Takters training camp in New Jersey.
� I never move back to Sweden again, "says Jimmy pace and looks out over his horse's paradise.

Jimmy and Christina pace enjoy excellent in the United States. Here are the couple in front of their houses for newly built training camp Millennium Farm in New Jersey
Foto: Burt Seeger.
En vy �ver Jimmy Takters tr�ningscamp i New Jersey. D�r finns bland annat 24 j�ttelika hagar med ett eget hus till varje.
Foto: Burt Seeger.
He is one of the really
heavy pieces of the harness sport's world.
After 20 successful years in the United States, Jimmy, with
his wife Christina, built their dream place.
At a round hike we are struck by that everything is built
with elegance, style and finesse.
The 40 horses big house is flourishing with spacious pens in
the exclusive content.
The huge meadows are 24 in number, and each paddock has its
own small house on the corner as the horses can enter in.
Add a circular orbit in a thousand meters, jogging loop and
a wonderful environment, so understand that there is not
much that is missing
- Well, we are about and build a straight path with the hill
as well, "says Jimmy when he shows around the maffiga plant.
Immediately when you pull off the road into the Takters
farm, an hour's car en route from New York, met Monday of a
luxurious brick house where the couple live with their four
children and two dogs.
When we settle down on Jimmys office, it is not a normal
house offices, which we are accustomed to in Sweden. This
could well be an office of a stock exchange brokers or any
other ratings in the business life
But Jimmy pace itself has become a ratings success in the
harness sport. For 20 years ago, he left Sweden and came to
the United States. Until the paths have been marked with the
world stars as Moni Maker, Malabar Man, Enjoy Lavec, Mr
Lavec, Kramer Boy, Take Chances, and many more.
42-year old from Mantorp in �sterg�tland, inter alia, have
experienced victories in the Prix d'Amerique, Elitloppet,
Hambletonian, World Trotting Derby, the Swedish Trotting
criterion and Peter Haughton Memorial.
He big happy with life and the horses away in the United
And any plans to move back to Sweden, he has not.
- I am a U.S. citizen and believe that we will never return
to Sweden again, "he says
The stable cost eight million kronor
Is just another when he built up such a dream place as the
Millennium Farm.
- Yes, but I dare not think about what all has cost. Only
the house was costing 800 000 U.S. dollars to build and hag
went on 400 000 dollars. Since everything else around around
also, among other things, we have planted more than 40
different trees here on the farm, "says Jimmy.
The entire farm is on thin 50 countries and began just over
a year ago
- We have lived in this area over the last ten years, and
long've been looking for something their own instead of
building just as we want it. The place we have built on was
completely clean before, and here there was not even a
single tree, "he continues.
Personally clear is Jimmy Takters horses of top-class
quality of this stutter.
But more than 40 horses he did not want to have in training.
- No, it is almost a few too many. I just want to have
quality and be able to have proper track of all
In class with Moni Maker
This year's Hambletonian-final, he had the horses Chipmate
and Malabar Maple to start, in which the latter succeeded
best with a fourth place.
But the big star in the house is three-year Kadabra, which
has won 16 races in 19 starts in life. He was not notified
to the Hambletonian, but has at this year's four victories
in seven starts has shown that he is a real exceptional
- It is one of the worst horses I have had. A real tanks
that can be fully in class with Moni Maker. I consider that
Kadabra is ten lengths better than the horses in this year's
Hambletonian. A pity only that the horse was not notified,
"says Jimmy.
It costs a good slant to have the horse in training with the
pace. He charges 2 500 U.S. dollars a month for their
services, but despite ringing the phone frequently from
h�st�gare wishing to make horses in his care
- I have certainly declined more than 50 horses this year
alone, "he says.
� "I am in eight years to"
Jimmy The pace has become rich both in money and experienced
called during his time in the United States. In the average
house horses earn a total of three million dollars a year.
What of the future?
- My goal is to keep on extremely hard for eight years. I am
50. Then, I will do something drastic. Horses are my life
and I will not stop completely as coach, but probably cuts
down and I only have a few horses left.
And Sweden?
- It is a beautiful country but I do not have it. I usually
go home once a year to visit and test run young horses. The
family and I enjoy great here and now, I find it hard to
believe that we would move home again, "says Jimmy pace