O'Brien Awards: Past Winners  
Årets häst  
2019  Forbidden Trade           h   Kadabra – Pure Ivory – Striking Sahbra 
2018  McWicked (p)              h   Mcardle - Western Sahara - Western Ideal 
2017  Hannelore Hanover         s   Swan For All - High Sobriety - Dream Vacation
2016  Betting Line (p)          h   Bettors Delight - Heathers Western - Western Hanover
2015  State Treasurer (p)       h   Real Desire - Ideal Treasure - Western Ideal 
2014  JK Shesalady (p)          s   Art Major - Presidential Lady - Presidential Ball 
2013  Bee A Magician            s   Kadabra - Beehive - Balanced Image
2012  Michael's Power (p)       v   Camluck - Michelles Jackpot - Artsplace
2011  San Pail                  v   San Pellegrino - Village Beauty - Balanced Image
2010  Dreamfair Eternal (p)     s   Camluck - J C's Nathalie - Flight Of Fire
2009  Muscle Hill               h   Muscles Yankee - Yankee Blondie - American Winner
2008  Somebeachsomewhere (p)    h   Mach Three - Wheres The Beach - Beach Towel 
2007  Somebeachsomewhere (p)    h   Mach Three - Wheres The Beach - Beach Towel 
      Tell All (p)              h   Real Desire - Have No Secrets - Albatross
2006  Majestic Son              h   Angus Hall - Celtic Countessa - King Conch
2005  Admirals Express (p)      v   Admirals Galley - Platinum Card - Armbro Aussie
2004  Rainbow Blue (p)          s   Artiscape - Vesta Blue Chip - On The Road Again
2003  Eternal Camnation (p)     s   Cam Fella - Cool World - Nihilator
2002  Real Desire (p)           h   Life Sign - Deadly Desire - Troublemaker 
2001  Bettors Delight (p)       h   Cam's Card Shark - Classic Wish - Armbro Emerson
2000  Yankee Paco               h   Balanced Image - Yankee Playgirl - Speedy Crown
1999  Blissfull Hall (p)        h   Cambest - Hundred Kisses - Abercrombie
1998  Odies Fame (p)            s   Apaches Fame - Odessa Lobell - No Nukes
1997  Western Dreamer (p)       v   Western Hanover - Fits Of Fun - Panorama
1996  Whenuwishuponastar (p)    s   Camluck - Star Crusher - Sonsam
1996  Riyadh (p)                h   Jate Lobell - Malaysia - Bye And Large
1995  Ellamony (p)              s   Cam Fella - Ceremony - Race Time
1994  Emilie Cas El             s   Garland Lobell - Amour Angus - Magna Force
1993  Staying Together (p)      v   Panorama - Happily Involved - Armbro Alert
1992  Artsplace (p)             h   Abercrombie - Miss Elvira - Albatross
1991  Precious Bunny (p)        h   Cam Fella - Bunny's Wish - B.G's Bunny
1990  Town Pro (p)              s   Big Towner - Programmed - Bret Hanover
1989  Matts Scooter (p)         h   Direct Scooter - Ellens Glory - Meadow Skipper
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 2019  Musical Rhythm      h  Cantab Hall – Musical Victory – Valley Victory
 2018  Will Take Charge    v  Kadabra - Celebrity Angel - Yankee Glide 
 2017  Odds On Amethyst    v  Muscle Hill - Mystical Sunshine - Yankee Glide
 2016  Flanagan Memory     h  Kadabra - Classy Stacy - Yankee Glide 
 2015  Resolve             h  Muscle Hill - Anikawiesahalee - Credit Winner 
 2014  Intimidate          v  Justice Hall - Fabulous Tag - Tagliabue 
 2013  Mister Herbie       v  Here Comes Herbie - Independent Lassie - Brisco Hanover 
 2012  Mister Herbie       v  Here Comes Herbie - Independent Lassie - Brisco Hanover   
 2011  San Pail            v  San Pellegrino - Village Beauty - Balanced Image      
 2010  San Pail            v  San Pellegrino - Village Beauty - Balanced Image   
 2009  San Pail            v  San Pellegrino - Village Beauty - Balanced Image 
 2008  Arch Madness        v  Balanced Image - Armbro Archer - S J's Photo 
 2007  Vivid Photo         v  S J’s Photo - Miss Garland - Garland Lobell 
 2006  Stiletto            v  Mr Vic - Armbro Natural - Speedy Crown  
 2005  Jm Vangogh          h  Earl - Queen Tut - Lindy's Crown  
 2004  Mr Muscleman        v  Muscles Yankee - Meadowbranch Irene - Meadow Road 
 2003  Rotation            h  Balanced Image - Expressway Hanover - Prakas 
 2002  Springtop           v  Sierra Kosmos - Bambino Von - Yankee Bambino 
 2001  Magician            v  Royal Prestige - Incredible Charm - Incredible Nevele 
 2000  Ramas Pleasure      h  Super Pleasure - Fontima - Speed in Action 
 1999  Goodtimes           v  Balanced Image - Goodtime Kathy - Dream of Glory 
 1998  Glorys Comet        v  Balanced Image - Lou Macs Glory - Dream of Glory 
 1997  Glorys Comet        v  Balanced Image - Lou Macs Glory - Dream of Glory 
 1996  Impeccable Image    v  Balanced Image - Tantallon Kay - Dream of Glory 
 1995  Impeccable Image    v  Balanced Image - Tantallon Kay - Dream of Glory 
 1994  Earl                h  Balanced Image - Linfields Gem - Dream of Glory 
 1993  Earl                h  Balanced Image - Linfields Gem - Dream of Glory 
 1992  Billyjojimbob       v  Balanced Image - Ginger Jewel - Tough Cookie 
 1991  Billyjojimbob       v  Balanced Image - Ginger Jewel - Tough Cookie 
 1990  No Sex Please       v  Brisco Hanover - Gay Ann Herbert - Reflected Way 
 1989  No Sex Please       v  Brisco Hanover - Gay Ann Herbert - Reflected Way 
 2019  McWicked               h  Mcardle - Western Sahara - Western Ideal 
 2018  McWicked               h  Mcardle - Western Sahara - Western Ideal 
 2017  Sintra                 v  Mach Three - Dancin Barefoot - Rocknroll Hanover 
 2016  Wiggle It Jiggleit     v  Mr Wiggles - Mozzi Hanover - Jennas Beach Boy 
 2015  State Treasurer        h  Real Desire - Ideal Treasure - Western Ideal 
 2014  Modern Legend          v  Modern Art - Ruby Cam - Camluck 
 2013  Foiled Again           v  Dragon Again - In A Safe Place - Artsplace  
 2012  Betterthancheddar      h  Bettor's Delight - Lady Ashlee Ann - Camtastic  
 2011  Foiled Again           v  Dragon Again - In A Safe Place - Artsplace  
 2010  Won The West           v  Western Hanover - Gabrielle - Dragon's Lair  
 2009  Bigtime Ball           v  Presidential Ball - Keystone Trinidad - Albatross  
 2008  Secrets Nephew         h  Camluck - Table For Seven - Artsplace   
 2007  Lis Mara               h  Cambest - Lisheen - Abercrombie  
 2006  Lis Mara               h  Cambest - Lisheen - Abercrombie  
 2005  Admirals Express       v  Admirals Galley - Platinum Card - Armbro Aussie  
 2004  Casimir Camotion       v  Camluck - Adulation - Direct Scooter  
 2003  Art Major              h  Artsplace - Perfect Profile - Nihilator  
 2002  Real Desire            h  Life Sign - Deadly Desire - Troublemaker  
 2001  Gallo Blue Chip        v  Magical Mike - Camatross - Albatross  
 2000  D M Dilinger           h  Camluck - Misty Silver - Striking Force  
 1999  Dragon Again           h  Dragon's Lair - Ever And Again - Towner's Big Guy  
 1998  Red Bow Tie            v  Raging Glory - Cheers Lauxmont - Royce  
 1997  Village Connection     h  Cam Fella - Armbro Colleen - Abercrombie  
 1996  Riyadh                 h  Jate Lobell - Malaysia - Bye And Large  
 1995  Pacific Rocket         h  Albert Albert - Flat Foot Fluzy - Direct Scooter  
 1994  Village Jiffy          h  Cam Fella - Village Jig - Direct Scooter  
 1993  Staying Together       v  Panorama - Happily Involved - Armbro Alert  
 1992  Artsplace              h  Abercrombie - Miss Elvira - Albatross  
 1991  Camluck                h  Cam Fella - Lucky Lady - Striking Image  
 1990  Topnotcher             h  Abercrombie - She's The Most - Most Happy Fella  
 1989  Matts Scotter          h   Direct Scooter - Ellens Glory - Meadow Skipper 
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 2019  Atlanta              Chapter Seven – Hemi Blue Chip – Cantab Hall 
 2018  Emoticon Hanover     Kadabra - Emmylou Who - Ken Warkentin 
 2017  Hannelore Hanover    Swan For All - High Sobriety - Dream Vacation 
 2016  Hannelore Hanover    Swan For All - High Sobriety - Dream Vacation
 2015  Bee A Magician       Kadabra - Beehive - Balanced Image 
 2014  Classic Martine      Classic Photo - Drinking Days - Andover Hall 
 2013  Maven                Glidemaster - M Stewart - American Winner   
 2012  Frenchfrysnvinegar   Angus Hall - Gugus - Fool Me Not  
 2011  Frenchfrysnvinegar   Angus Hall - Gugus - Fool Me Not 
 2010  Windsong Soprano     Windsong's Legacy - Muscling In - Muscles Yankee  
 2009  Classic Lane         Lindy Lane - Heartland Classic - Super Bowl  
 2008  Brigham Dream        Kaisy Dream - Crysta's Image - Balanced Image  
 2007  Mystical Sunshine    Yankee Glide - Aura Of Glory - Royal Prestige   
 2006  Peaceful Way         Angus Hall - Royal Bait - Royal Prestige  
 2005  Peaceful Way         Angus Hall - Royal Bait - Royal Prestige  
 2004  Stroke Play          Yankee Glide - Lei - Crowning Point   
 2003  Dresden Dolly        Super Pleasure - Wellesley Doll - Dream of Glory   
 2002  Dresden Dolly        Super Pleasure - Wellesley Doll - Dream of Glory    
 2001  Casual Breeze        King Conch - Balanced Breeze - Balanced Image   
 2000  Moni Maker           Speedy Crown - Nan's Catch - Bonefish   
 1999  Moni Maker           Speedy Crown - Nan's Catch - Bonefish  
 1998  Kewpie Doll B        Balanced Image - Wellesley Doll - Dream of Glo   
 1997  Warzover             Balanced Image - D.L.Zoe - Dream of Glory   
 1996  Kawartha An Worthy   Worthy Bowl - Kawartha Anitra - Noble Victory  
 1995  Warzover             Balanced Image - D.L.Zoe - Dream of Glory   
 1994  Lifetime Dream       Worthy Bowl - Ms Dream of Glory - Dream of Glory  
 1993  Lifetime Dream       Worthy Bowl - Ms Dream of Glory - Dream of Glory   
 1992  Ramerizi             Face to Face - Terrys Girl Penny - Penn Hanover   
 1991  Peach Pit            Speedy Somolli - Whims and Wishes - Noble Victory  
 1990  Peach Pit            Speedy Somolli - Whims and Wishes - Noble Victory  
 1989  Grades Singing       Texas - Singing Bay - Duke Rodney  
 2019  Caviart Ally         Bettors Delight – Allamerican Cool – No Nukes 
 2018  Exhilarated          Mach Three - Animated Art - Artsplace 
 2017  Sandbetweenurtoes    Somebeachsomewhere - Al's Girl - Artsplace 
 2016  Lady Shadow          Shadow Play - Lady Camella - Camluck 
 2015  Lady Shadow          Shadow Play - Lady Camella - Camluck 
 2014  Anndrovette          Riverboat King - Easy Miss - Big Towner  
 2013  Anndrovette          Riverboat King - Easy Miss - Big Towner  
 2012  Anndrovette          Riverboat King - Easy Miss - Big Towner  
 2011  Anndrovette          Riverboat King - Easy Miss - Big Towner  
 2010  Dreamfair Eternal    Camluck - J Cs Nathalie - Flight Of Fire  
 2009  Dreamfair Eternal    Camluck - J Cs Nathalie - Flight Of Fire  
 2008  My LIttle Dragon     Dragon Again - My Little Pretty - Jate Lobell  
 2007  Moving Pictures      D M Dilinger - Killer Queen - Peculiar  
 2006  Glowing Report       Artsplace - Grand Lady - Matt's Scooter  
 2005  Loyal Opposition     Cole Muffler - Tising Tising - Life Sign  
 2004  Eternal Camnation    Cam Fella - Cool World - Nihilator  
 2003  Eternal Camnation    Cam Fella - Cool World - Nihilator  
 2002  Eternal Camnation    Cam Fella - Cool World - Nihilator  
 2001  Eternal Camnation    Cam Fella - Cool World - Nihilator  
 2000  Galleria             Artsplace - Emory Girl - Sherman Almahurst  
 1999  Art's Secret         Artsplace - Village Secretary - Armbro Omaha  
 1998  Jays Table           Run The Table - Jays Omaha - Armbro Omaha  
 1997  Ooh's N Aah's        Albert Albert - This Year's Kisses - Bret Hanover  
 1996  Shes A Great Lady    Dexter Nukes - Miss Donna Mayo - Silent Majority  
 1995  Ellamony             Cam Fella - Ceremony - Race Time  
 1994  Ellamony             Cam Fella - Ceremony - Race Time  
 1993  Shady Daisy          Falcon Seelster - Tika Belle - Skipper Walt  
 1992  Shady Daisy          Falcon Seelster - Tika Belle - Skipper Walt  
 1991  Delinquent Account   On The Road Again - Al Dente - Bret Hanover  
 1990  Games                Abercrombie - She's A Ten - Race Time  
 1989  Armbro Feather       Most Happy Fella - Brets Velvet - Bret Hanover  
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 2019  Forbidden Trade     h  Kadabra – Pure Ivory – Striking Sahbra 
 2018  Run Director        h  Kadabra - Keep The Spirit - Revenue 
 2017  International Moni  h  Love You - Moni Maker - Speedy Crown
 2016  Marion Marauder     h  Muscle Hill - Spellbound Hanover - Donerail 
 2015  Pinkman             v  Explosive Matter - Margie Seelster - Angus Hall 
 2014  Harper Blue Chip    h  Majestic Son - Winning Jonlin - Muscles Yankee 
 2013  Flanagan Memory     h  Kadabra - Classy Stacy - Yankee Glide   
 2012  Intimidate          v  Justice Hall - Fabulous Tag - Tagliabue  
 2011  Daylon Magician     h  Kadabra - Daylon Marvel - Super Pleasure   
 2010  Text Me             h  Kadabra - Dial Nile - Super Bowl   
 2009  Muscle Hill         h  Muscles Yankee - Yankee Blondie - American Winner 
 2008  Federal Flex        h  Muscles Yankee - Scully Fbi - S J's Photo  
 2007  Arch Madness        h  Balanced Image - Armbro Archer - S J's Photo  
 2006  Majestic Son        h  Angus Hall - Celtic Countessa - King Conch   
 2005  Classic Photo       h  S J's Photo - Classic Winner - American Winner  
 2004  Windsongs Legacy    h  Conway Hall - Yankee Windsong - Prakas    
 2003  Amigo Hall          h  Balanced Image - Ali's Cat - Meadow Road   
 2002  Kadabra             h  Primrose Lane - Quillo - Trottin' Happy  
 2001  Liberty Balance     v  Balance Image - Victory Girl - Valley Victory    
 2000  Yankee Paco         h  Balanced Image - Yankee Playgirl - Speedy Crown    
 1999  Latest Chapter      v  K M Lazer - Highland Lullaby - Surge Hanover   
 1998  Stormont Tuscany    v  Balanced Image - Principessa Susi - Worthy Bowl  
 1997  Lord Stormont       v  Crowning Point - Lady Orbitex - Balanced Image   
 1996  Armbro Officer      v  Balanced Image - Armbro Flori - Speedy Crown    
 1995  Trustworthy         h  Worthy Bowl - Tulip One - Prakas    
 1994  Bye Tsem            h  Sir Taurus - Quail Ridge Nancy - Texas    
 1993  Armbro Leader       v  Balanced Image - Armbro Blush - Speedy Crown    
 1992  Earl                h  Balanced Image - Linfields Gem - Dream of Glory   
 1991  Box Boy             h  Jazz Cosmos - Armbro Wilma - Dream of Glory    
 1990  A Worthy Lad        h  Worthy Bowl - Fragrance - Carlisle  
 1989  Demilo Hanover      h   Super Bowl - Descent - Speedy Crown    
 2019  Century Farroh       h  Mach Three – Beachy Girl – Real Desire 
 2018  Jimmy Freight        h  Sportswriter - Allamerican Summer - Western Ideal 
 2017  Classic Pro          h  Shadow Play - Kattimon - Astreos 
 2016  Betting Line         h  Bettors Delight - Heathers Western - Western Hanover
 2015  Wakizashi Hanover    v  Dragon Again - Western Gesture - Western Hanover 
 2014  McWicked             h  Mcardle - Western Sahara - Western Ideal 
 2013  Vegas Vacation       v  Bettor's Delight - Don't You Smile - Grinfromeartoear  
 2012  Michael's Power      v  Camluck - Michelles Jackpot - Artsplace  
 2011  Up The Credit        h  Western Terror - Cantbuymehappiness - Pacific Rocket  
 2010  Rock N Roll Heaven   h  Rocknroll Hanover - Artistic Vision - Artsplace  
 2009  Well Said            h  Western Hanover - Must See - Artsplace  
 2008  Somebeachsomwhere    h  Mach Three - Wheres The Beach - Beach Towel  
 2007  Tell All             h  Real Desire - Have No Secrets - Albatross  
 2006  Doonbeg              h  Camluck - St Mattricks Way - Matt's Scooter  
 2005  Rocknroll Hanover    h  Western Ideal - Rich N Elegant - Direct Scooter  
 2004  Western Terror       h  Western Hanover - Arterra - Artsplace  
 2003  Allamerican Theory   h  Jenna's Beach Boy - Three Mile Smile - No Nukes  
 2002  Art Major            h  Artsplace - Perfect Profile - Nihilator  
 2001  Bettors Delight      h  Cam's Card Shark - Classic Wish - Armbro Emerson  
 2000  Gallo Blue Chip      v  Magical Mike - Camatross - Albatross  
 1999  Blissful Hall        h  Cambest - Hundred Kisses - Abercrombie  
 1998  Artiscape            h  Artsplace - Delinquent Account - On The Road Again  
 1997  Western Dreamer      h  No Nukes - Wendymae Hanover - Albatross  
 1996  Stout                h  Precious Bunny - Alison Sara - Keystone Ore  
 1995  Village Connection   h  Cam Fella - Armbro Colleen - Abercrombie  
 1994  Cams Card Shark      h  Cam Fella - Jef's Magic Trick - B.G's Bunny  
 1993  Presidential Ball    h  Cam Fella - I Marilyn - Mountain Skipper  
 1992  Kingsbridge          h  Jate Lobell - Aquinia Hanover - Albatross  
 1991  Precious Bunny       h  Cam Fella - Bunny's Wish - B.G's Bunny  
 1990  Apaches Fame         h  Apache Circle - Dovers Skip - Harry Fitz  
 1989  Goalie Jeff          h   Cam Fella - Jill Elane Hanover - Albatross  
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 2019  Evident Beauty       Trixton – Struck By Lindy – Explosive Matter 
       Only Take Cash       Cash Hall – Armbro Affair – Garland Lobell 
 2018  Illusioneesta        Kadabra - Shesa Priority - Catch A Thrill
 2017  Ariana G             Muscle Hill - Cantab It All - Cantab Hall 
 2016  Caprice Hill         Kadabra - Bramasole - Muscles Yankee 
 2015  Mission Brief        Muscle Hill - Southwind Serena - Varenne 
 2014  Riveting Rosie       Muscle Mass - Rose De Vie Stena - Balanced Image 
 2013  Bee A Magician       Kadabra - Beehive - Balanced Image   
 2012  Check Me Out         Donato Hanover - Illusion Bi - Toss Out  
 2011  China Pearls         Kadabra - Pure Sable - Balanced Image  
 2010  Random Destiny       Ken Warkentin - Front Porch Swing - Royal Strength  
 2009  Elusive Desire       Angus Hall - Valley Amber - Valley Victory  
 2008  Lantern Kronos       Viking Krons - Bell Power - Pine Chip  
 2007  Pampered Princess    Andover Hall - Bold Dreamer - Donerail 
 2006  Pure Ivory           Striking Sahbra - Image Control - Balanced Image 
 2005  Blur                 Muscles Yankee - Blue Ridge Girl - Supergill  
 2004  Peaceful Way         Angus Hall - Royal Bait - Royal Prestige  
 2003  Southwind Allaire    Valley Victory - Articulate Hanover - Balanced Image   
 2002  Cameron Hall         Garland Lobell - Canne Angus - Magna Force  
 2001  Donven Promise       Promising Catch - A Touch Of Frost - Balanced Image 
 2000  Casual Breeze        King Conch - Balanced Breeze - Balanced Image 
 1999  Miss Elina           Garland Lobell - Mistress Ann - Armbro Goal 
 1998  Image Control        Balanced Image - Armbro Garnish - Dream of Glory 
 1997  Elegantimage         Balanced Image - Eclair Hanover - Super Bowl 
 1996  Mombasa              Balanced Image - Mygal Haw Lea - Speedy Crown 
 1995  Worthy Countessa     Worthy Bowl - Anken Countessa - Dream of Glory  
 1994  Imageofa Clear Day   Balanced Image - Pathway To Piaget - Speedy Crown 
 1993  Armbro Luxury        Dream of Glory - Armbro Sable - Speedy Crown 
 1992  Armbro Keepsake      Super Bowl - Armbro Fern - Speedy Crown  
 1991  Warrawee Kirra       Dream of Glory - Cloverleaf Kosmos - Jurgy Hanover 
 1990  Ashley Jane          Worthy Bowl - Frisky Mitchelle - Jurgy Hanover  
 1989  Peach Pit            Speedy Somolli - Whims and Wishes - Noble Victory   
 2019  Sunny Dee              Sunshine Beach – West of LA – Western Hanover 
 2018  Shower Play            Shadow Play - Alice Emily - Bettors Delight 
 2017  Bettors Up             Bettor's Delight - Fresh Idea - Western Hanover 
 2016  L A Delight            Bettor's Delight - West Of L A - Western Hanover 
 2015  Solar Sister           Mach Three - Cabrini Hanover - Western Ideal 
 2014  Lady Shadow            Shadow Play - Lady Camella - Camluck 
 2013  I Luv The Nitelife     Rocknroll Hanover - Lisjune - Camluck   
 2012  American Jewel         American Ideal - Trim Hanover - Camluck  
 2011  Monkey On My Wheel     Mach Three - Legislation - Presidential Ball  
 2010  Western Silk           Western Terror - Extemporaneous - Jenna's Beach Boy  
 2009  --------------
 2008  Chancey Lady           Camluck - Art Of Design - Artsplace  
 2007  Michelle's Power       Camluck - Michelle's Jackpot - Artsplace  
 2006  Darlins Delight        Bettor's Delight - Town Pro - Big Towner  
 2005  Lady Dillinger         D M Dilinger - Teenager Girls - Dexter Nukes  
 2004  Rainbow Blue           Artiscape - Vesta Blue Chip - On The Road Again  
 2003  Burning Point          Camluck - Tour De France - Falcon Seelster  
 2002  Precious Delight       Precious Bunny - Staying Happy - Jate Lobell  
 2001  Cathedra Dot Com       Presidential Ball - Cathedra - Run The Table  
 2000  Legacy of Fame         Apaches Fame - Theras Legacy - Walton Hanover  
 1999  Odies Fame             Apaches Fame - Odessa Lobell - No Nukes  
 1998  Armbro Romance         Artsplace - Armbro Intimate - Cam Fella  
 1997  Paling Avenue          Precious Bunny - O J Almahurst - Abercrombie  
 1996  Low Places             Jate Lobell - Rattle Dancer - Albatross  
 1995  Elegant Killean        Run The Table - Ore Dana - Keystone Ore  
 1994  Hardie Hanover         Big Towner - Hollidee Hanover - Albatross  
 1993  Towner's Image         Big Towner - Kawartha Radiant - Hustling Time  
 1992  So Fresh               Laag - Viking Treasure - Albatross  
 1991  Sara Loren Rd          On The Road Again - Rebel Cindy - Albatross  
 1990  Town Pro               Big Towner - Programmed - Bret Hanover  
 1989  Sal Harbor             Coal Harbor - Bebe Salute - Butler Byrd    
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 2019  Hp Royal Theo      h  Royalty For Life – Mikas Mazurka – SJs Caviar 
 2018  Forbidden Trade    h  Kadabra - Pure Ivory - Striking Sahbra 
 2017  Alarm Detector     h  Chapter Seven - Final Countdown - Yankee Glide 
 2016  Mass Production    v  Muscle Mass - All Time Favorite - ANgus Hall 
 2015  Southwind Frank    h  Muscle Hill - Flawless Lindy - Cantab Hall  
 2014  Habitat            h  Conway Hall - Habit's Best - Muscles Yankee 
 2013  Father Patrick     h  Cantab Hall - Gala Dream - Enjoy Lavec    
 2012  Wheeling N Dealin  h  Cantab Hall - Quick Credit - Credit Winner  
 2011  The Game Plan      h  Kadabra - Image Control - Balanced Image   
 2010  Blue Porsche       h  Glidemaster - Machita - Garland Lobell   
 2009  Il Villaggio       h  Yankee Glide - Dance To Market - Balanced Image    
 2008  Federal Flex       h  Muscles Yankee - Scully Fbi - S J's Photo  
 2007  Windsong Espoir    h  Kadabra - Diamond Image - Balanced Image    
 2006  Laddie             h  Angus Hall - Victory Dreamer - Valley Victory  
 2005  Was It A Dream     h  Striking Sahbra - Bold Dreamer - Donerail  
 2004  Ken Warkentin      h  Yankee Glide - Jambo - Tagliabue   
 2003  In Conchnito       h  King Conch- Inas Gaetane - Super Pleasure   
 2002  Meadowview Sunny   v  Classic Adam - Frisky Mitchelle - Brisco Hanover   
 2001  Duke Of York       h  Balanced Image - Armbro Monarch - Valley Victory  
 2000  Banker Hall        h  Balanced Image - B Cor Jazzette - Jazz Cosmos   
       Uhadadream         h  Chief Litigator - Dukeholme Glory - Dream of Glory  
 1999  Botany Bay         v  Super Pleasure - Armbro Loon - Balanced Image   
 1998  Armbro Scorpion    h  Balanced Image - Armbro Whirl - Super Bowl    
 1997  Conway Hall        h  Garland Lobell - Amour Angus - Magna Force 
 1996  Mighty Beacon      v  Dunkery Beacon - Lotta Noble - Noble Nevele  
 1995  Armbro Officer     v  Balanced Image - Armbro Flori - Speedy Crown  
 1994  Eager Seelster     h  Worthy Bowl - Edbars Nanci - Speedy Rodney  
 1993  Wesgate Crown      h  Royal Prestige - Armbro Gaelic - Dream of Glory 
 1992  Armbro Leader      v  Balanced Image - Armbro Blush - Speedy Crown  
 1991  Sharp S Collins    h  Sir Taurus - Tara Collins - Torrence Hanover  
 1990  Sammy Silk         v  Worthy Bowl - Kawartha Pastel - Ways to Win    
 1989  A Worthy Lad       h   Worthy Bowl - Fragrance - Carlisle  
 2019  Tall Dark Stranger   h  Bettors Delight – Precocious Beauty – Art Major 
 2018  Stag Party           h  Bettors Delight - My Lady Day - Western Ideal 
 2017  Stay Hungry          h  Somebeachsomewhere - My Little Dragon - Dragon Again 
 2016  Beyond Delight       h  Bettors Delight - Outtathisworld - Rocknroll Hanover 
 2015  Control The Moment   h  Well Said - Lifesliltreasure - Life Sign 
 2014  Artspeak             h  Western Ideal - The Art Museum - Artsplace 
 2013  Arthur Blue Chip     h  Shadow Play - Advantest - Artsplace  
 2012  Captaintreacherous   h  Somebeachsomewhere - Worldly Treasure - Artsplace   
 2011  Warrawee Needy       h  E Dee's Cam - Great Memories - Apaches Fame  
 2010  Big Jim              h  Western Ideal - Bold Pink - Big Towner  
 2009  Sportswriter         h  Artsplace - Precious Beauty - Jate Lobell  
 2008  Nebupanezzar         h  No Pan Intended - Western Wonder - Western Hanover  
 2007  Somebeachsomewhere   h  Mach Three - Wheres The Beach - Beach Towel  
 2006  Domitian Hanover     h  Camluck - Debras Charm - Walton Hanover  
 2005  Jaremes Jet          h  Western Hanover - Ohyouprettything - Sportsmaster  
 2004  Village Jolt         h  Cam's Card Shark - Village Jingle - Life Sign  
 2003  I Am A Fool          h  Life Sign - I'm No Fool - Tyler B  
 2002  Sir Luck             h  Camluck - Lisa's Acquisition - Towner's Big Guy  
 2001  Western Shooter      h  Western Hanover - Cathedra - Run The Table  
 2000  Bettors Delight      h  Cam's Card Shark - Classic Wish - Armbro Emerson  
 1999  Richess Hanover      h  Western Hanover - Rich N Elegant - Direct Scooter  
 1998  Island Fantasy       h  Life Sign - Three Mile Island - No Nukes  
 1997  Rustler Hanover      h  Western Hanover - Rich N Elegant - Direct Scooter  
 1996  His Mattjesty        h  Matt's Scooter - Lady Hathaway - No Nukes  
 1995  A Stud Named Sue     h  Laag - Rule Model - Bruce Gimble  
 1994  Stand Alone          h  Matt's Scooter - Huricane Almahurst - Tyler B  
 1993  Historic             h  Nihilator - Dateable - Race Time  
 1992  Presidential Ball    h  Cam Fella - I Marilyn - Mountain Skipper  
 1991  Digger Almahurst     h  Nihilator - Dateable - Race Time  
 1990  Stand And Deliver    h  Big Towner - Belle Alba - Albatross  
 1989  Road Machine         h   On The Road Again - Breezie Skipper - Warm Breeze  
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 2019  Dip Me Hanover      Donato Hanover – Dancing For Money - Muscles Yankee 
 2018  The Ice Dutchess    Muscle Hill - The Ice Queen - Conway Hall
 2017  Kadabra Queen       Kadabra - Queen Street - Duke Of York 
 2016  Ariana G            Muscle Hill - Cantab It All - Cantab Hall 
 2015  Caprice Hill        Kadabra - Bramasole - Muscles Yankee 
 2014  Stubborn Belle      Taurus Dream - Musetta Hanover - Cantab Hall
 2013  Riveting Rosie      Muscle Mass - Rose De Vie Stena - Balanced Image   
 2012  Bee A Magician      Kadabra - Beehive - Balanced Image   
 2011  Check Me Out        Donato Hanover - Illusion Bi - Toss Out     
 2010  Crys Dream          Taurus Dream - Crystas Image - Balanced Image  
 2009  Poof Shes Gone      Kadabra - Travelin Superlite - Garland Lobell  
 2008  Elusive Desire      Angus Hall - Valley Amber - Valley Victory 
 2007  Snow White          Self Possessed - Mom’s Millionaire - Pine Chip  
 2006  Pampered Princess   Andover Hall - Bold Dreamer - Donerail  
 2005  Pure Ivory          Striking Sahbra - Image Control - Balanced Image  
 2004  Solveig             Yankee Glide - Exquisite Amanda - American Winner   
 2003  Peaceful Way        Angus Hall - Royal Bait - Royal Prestige    
 2002  Filly At Bigs       Donerail - Mombasa - Balanced Image   
 2001  Odessa Drummond     Jobie Tempest - Oleida Drummond - Florida Pro    
 2000  Sharise Seelster    Brisco Hanover - Scotch Bride - Speedy Scot    
 1999  Its Made To Order   Garland Lobell - Tarport Maggie - Baltic Speed   
 1998  C L Brightness      King Conch - Armbro Brilliance - Dream of Glory    
 1997  Remarkable Image    Balanced Image - Armbro McKeown - Dream of Glory  B  
 1996  Elegantimage        Balanced Image - Eclair Hanover - Super Bowl   
 1995  Veras Image         Balanced Image - Moorelands Vera - Brisco Hanover    
 1994  Emilie Cas El       Garland Lobell - Amour Angus - Magna Force 
 1993  Armbro Monarch      Valley Victory - Armbro Flori - Speedy Crown  
 1992  Suspicious Image    Balanced Image - I'm Suspicious - Speedy Crown 
 1991  Armbro Keepsake     Super Bowl - Armbro Fern - Speedy Crown  
 1990  Santa Royal         Royal Prestige - Santa Barbara - Super Bowl  
 1989  Cajala              Dream of Glory - Portia Hanover - Super Bowl 
 2019  Alicorn              Bettors Delight – Mythical – Artsplace 
 2018  Tall Drink Hanover   Captaintreacherous - Take Into Account - The Panderosa
 2017  Percy Bluechip       Shadow PLay - Advantest - Artsplace 
 2016  Idyllic Beach        Somebeachsomewhere - Idyllic - American Ideal 
 2015  L A Delight          Bettors Delight - West Of L A - Western Hanover 
 2014  JK Shesalady         Art Major - Presidential Lady - Presidential Ball
 2013  Precocious Beauty    Art Major - Precious Beauty - Jate Lobell  
 2012  I Luv The Nitelife   Rocknroll Hanover - Lisjune - Camluck   
 2011  American Jewel       American Ideal - Trim Hanover - Camluck   
 2010  Idyllic              American Ideal - Magical Dreamer - Magical Mike  
 2009  Fancy Filly          Western Hanover - Fanciful Hanover - Artsplace  
 2008  St Lads Popcorn      Twin B Champ - Hot Butter - Northern Luck  
 2007  A And G'sConfusion   Allamerican Native - Colorado Creek - Dexter Nukes  
 2006  Luck Of Michelle     Camluck - Michelle's Destiny - Artsplace  
 2005  Style                Rustler Hanover - Stylish Smile - Abercrombie  
 2004  Cabrini Hanover      Western Ideal - Cathedra - Run The Table  
 2003  Serious Comfort      Precious Bunny - Serious Matter - Matt's Scooter  
 2002  Armbro Amoretto      Artsplace - Singin For Supper - No Nukes  
 2001  Precious Delight     Precious Bunny - Staying Happy - Jate Lobell  
 2000  Cupcakesnwhipcream   Camluck - Landfair Caveat - Armbro Omaha  
 1999  Eternal Camnation    Cam Fella - Cool World - Nihilator  
 1998  Odies Fame           Apaches Fame - Odessa Lobell - No Nukes  
 1997  Armbro Rosebud       Dexter Nukes - Spring Awakening - Tyler B  
 1996  Whenuwishuponastar   Camluck - Star Crusher - Sonsam  
 1995  Cathedra             Run The Table - Cathedral City - Oil Burner  
 1994  Elegant Killean      Run The Table - Ore Dana - Keystone Ore  
 1993  Hardie Hanover       Big Towner - Hollidee Hanover - Albatross  
 1992  Topaz Blue Chip      Big Towner - Tracy Blue Chip - Most Happy Fella  
 1991  Tabloid              No Nukes - Next Chapter - Albatross   
 1990  Laugh Line           Abercrombie - Shadow Of A Smile - Most Happy Fella  
 1989  Town Pro             Big Towner - Programmed - Bret Hanover 
 Årets Kusk Årets Tränare
 2019  Louis-Philippe Roy
 2018  Louis-Philippe Roy
 2017  Doug McNair
 2016  Sylvain Filion 
 2015  Sylvain Filion 
 2014  Chris Christoforou 
 2013  Sylvain Filion          
 2012  Sylvain Filion          
 2011  Jody Jamieson          
 2010  Randy Waples          
 2009  Jody Jamieson          
 2008  Paul MacDonell          
 2007  Jody Jamieson          
 2006  Mark MacDonald          
 2005  Mark MacDonald          
 2004  Luc Ouellette          
 2003  Chris Christoforou          
 2002  Chris Christoforou          
 2001  Randy Waples          
 2000  Trevor Ritchie          
 1999  Chris Christoforou          
 1998  Randy Waples          
 1997  Steve Condren          
 1996  Doug Brown          
 1995  Doug Brown          
 1994  Doug Brown          
 1993  Doug Brown          
 1992  Gaetan Lamy          
 1991  Doug Brown & Bill Gale          
 1990  Doug Brown          
 1989  Doug Brown 
 2019  Richard Moreau 
 2018  Richard Moreau
 2017  Richard Moreau
 2016  Richard Moreau 
 2015  Richard Moreau 
 2014  Richard Moreau 
 2013  Richard Moreau         
 2012  Casie Coleman         
 2011  Jeffrey Gillis         
 2010  Casie Coleman         
 2009  Casie Coleman         
 2008  Bob McIntosh         
 2007  Blair Burgess         
 2006  Casie Coleman         
 2005  Casie Coleman         
 2004  Joe Stutzman         
 2003  Bill Robinson         
 2002  Bill Robinson         
 2001  John Bax         
 2000  Kevin McMaster         
 1999  Ben Wallace         
 1998  Bob McIntosh         
 1997  William Wellwood         
 1996  Jack Darling         
 1995  William Wellwood         
 1994  Bill Robinson         
 1993  Bill Robinson         
 1992  Bob McIntosh         
 1991  Bob McIntosh         
 1990  William "Bud" Fritz         
 1989   Tom Artandi 
O'Brien Awards